The animation was split into two parts, a material-based stop motion animation, slightly more surreal and experimental, which covered the 'real' segments of the story, and a piece on pixilation for the dream-sequence in the plot.
I was responsible for making the octopus and some of the set. As the animation was about toby the rubix cube's money problems I thought a chain smoking octopus in the background whilst the main character scrounges for money would be a great way to hint at societies addiction to material things. That is my explanation for the octopus and I am sticking with it.
One of the influences for the making of the octopus was from the characters in futurama, zoidberg in perticular who is like a human form of a crab and an octopus and squidward from spongebob.
here are some of the light tests from the second group who were responsible for the pixilation part of the animation.
Unedited, Black removed from Richard Whillock on Vimeo.
black and white PS test from Richard Whillock on Vimeo.
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