28 May 2010


end from egokick on Vimeo.

video of falling domino's that Marcin helped me with, and by helped I pretty much mean did entirely for me apart from the lighting and texturing but I learned how to make objects follow a path and key framing.

end from egokick on Vimeo.

my test version of the glass beaker using mental ray, in this version the glass did not look glossy because of the placement and type of light.

piano in progress

bioshock reference

Whilst I would have liked to have gone over board and made some steampunk styled monsters my animation was loosely based on the steampunk style. bioshock references helped me to create the atmosphere I wanted, if for nothing else than the lighting settings. I used vibrant cold colours like the blue from the moonlight to contrast with the colour of the wood and copper.

18 May 2010


just need to fill up that beaker with some sort of liquid/steamy fog and fix the texture on that book that can't quite decide whether it's about the theory of evolution or the theory of gravity and I can start animating.

modifying textures to match the walls, this involved moving the vertex points in the uv texture editor and editing the image for the texture in photoshop so that it wouldn't overlap and create lines.

painting rain on to the scene
reference for cog falling:


steampunk light

my attempt at creating a steampunk light, not sure how to make it look as if the filament is glowing yet.

Reference image:

Textures, storyboard, images

objects in the room. textures. storyboard.


Experimenting with 3d fluid effects
yes it did take me 7 minutes and 40 seconds to render 1 frame of these clouds.