7 Feb 2011

create an integrated tv campaign for a confectionery product, including an animated tv ad.

tv adverts are typically quite short so this would include
*30 second animation
*include a real image of the actual product
A possible redesign of the product cover

lindt hasn't been heavily advertised in the past so I choose this rather than something else that has already been heavily advertised (like dairy milk) so that I can come up with something new and not have to work within the bounds of an already successful tv ad.

the different types of lindt chocolate already have a colour scheme, blue for milk chocolate, and green for mint, I would like to use this colour scheme to further integrate the colour with the product so people associate that colour with that chocolate, one of the ways I thought of doing this is through a symbol or a face connected with the colour of the product wrapping so that people can easily recognise it.

At the moment I think the product is targeted at a small audience who want to buy fancy chocolate that tastes the best on a rare occasion, rather than something to snack on regularly that could be aimed specifically at children or women. The wrapping also shows this, with gold typography that stands out from the card, it is marketed at chocolate connoisseurs or people that wear expensive top hats.

The goal of the tv campaign should be to expand the target audience to children and women whilst still keeping it's essence of being a high quality chocolate. As mentioned above this could be done through an easily recognisable face/character that would appeal to children, but not done in such a cartoonistic/oversimplified style that it would alienate it's existing audience.

character style influences
I like the bright, simplistic painting style of this, it doesn't feel cluttered with too much detail.


I like the character design of this but it would be need to be made friendlier and done more in the style of the above piece.

I like the textures and simplistic colouring style used in this.

Here is an example of what I want to do with lindt chocolate, the milky bar kid is heavily tied in with that chocolate bar, when people picture a milkybar they also picture the milky bar kid, similarly people also associate the colour purple with a diary milk bar.

the use of the colour purple in the background ties to their product


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