7 Oct 2009

flip book animation

some of the things I could improve on:
whilst the flip book I used was good for showing other people it was not very good for recording
as it kept moving around even with the use of tape which created shadows that moved and at some points you can see my finger in the corners trying to keep the page down. solution, pay £5.00 for a small piece of plastic (which probably cost 10pence to produce) known as a peg bar to keep the paper in place.
I also noticed that the drawing kept jumping around a lot, I didn't trace this and so I had to guess where the head was on each page. in the future I will use a light box so the image looks more consistent.

ryan larkin is one of my favourite animators, in ryan the film he uses a technique he has coined 'psychorealism' in which he shows characters emotions and intentions through the use of shape and colour that may extend from the characters, for example when ryan in the film gets angry red spikes protrude from his head. I think this adds a new layer of depth to film that traditional film cannot provide, by blatantly showing all the artists intentions and details of their work it allows the viewer to understand how another person thinks however it does leave less room for individual interpretation.

another influence would be my visit to the natural history musuem in london one of the exhbits was of extinct and strange looking fish, I think this has certainly added to my surrealist style of drawing often with elongated shapes extending from peoples heads.

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