26 Sept 2011

Resources + refrences + inspirations

main points
*3D environment is used as training ground for learning algorithms
*richness of information in the environment is lower than the real world, e.g. lack of sensory data, smell, touch etc
*useful goals can be accomplished Pathfinding, Goal Satisfaction & Pattern Detection
*resources used : opencog, Unity 3d game engine

This is the general direction I want to head in with animation, exploring character creation, scripting, creating 3D environments. Learning how to use the Unreal Development Kit editor and combining this with characters and animation sequences in maya. 

Visualization of Open Trip Planner finding a walking path through Portland, Oregon using the A* algorithm (Euclidean remaining weight heuristic).

Explanation of the problem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem in other words, it's attempting to find the shortest route between different points. "The most direct solution would be to try all permutations (ordered combinations) and see which one is cheapest (using brute force search). The running time for this approach lies within a polynomial factor of O(n!), the factorial of the number of cities, so this solution becomes impractical even for only 20 cities"

"Various heuristics and approximation algorithms, which quickly yield good solutions have been devised. Modern methods can find solutions for extremely large problems (millions of cities) within a reasonable time which are with a high probability just 2–3% away from the optimal solution."

Euclidean A* (walk mode) from Andrew Byrd on Vimeo.

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