These were made in the animation software Houdini. Houdini has an interesting function that allows you to play around with different variables called L-system "allows definition of complex shapes through the use of iteration. They use a mathematical language in which an initial string of characters is matched against rules which are evaluated repeatedly, and the results are used to generate geometry. The result of each evaluation becomes the basis for the next iteration of geometry, giving the illusion of growth."
Since I am fairly new to using this software I did find getting used to the interface took some time, but the use of the l-system is great because you can easily make huge changes with the small addition of some code. Above are a few examples that came out when I was playing with the different variables, small changes could make very big differences. It will take my some more time before I learn how to properly control this as I found it hard to get exactly what I wanted.
I created a landscape of branches using the inbuilt tutorial in Houdini. Options for varying the size, spacing and rotation of the trees were very easy to use. Instead of having to vary the size of each tree individually and place them all randomly, one by one Houdini has inbuilt options that allows you to configure their a more random placement so that it resembles nature.
Below is an example of what can be done using the L-system in houdini that I found on youtube.
This is something I definitely want to explore and use more.
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