19 May 2011

L5 1

The specialist area I am interested in revolves around 3D animation software such as Maya and z brush with the intent to explore the programming aspect of this, specifically the role fractals and mathematics can play in mimicking nature and creating realistic environments. To do this I will research the existing uses of these things, this will include areas like gaming, VR and film. One of the main things that interests me about the programming side of animation is the possibility to create realistic environments that generate themselves with lots of potential for variation and exploring, the game Minecraft is a very good example of this with a near infinite world size to explore. I want to push the boundaries of this to see where it can go, virtual reality is also something I hope to dabble in after understanding more of the programming side of things. I will research the type of audience this appeals to and gain a greater understanding of by setting myself a series of goals to complete.

Goals to achieve:

1) develop programming written in C++ to customize
and or extend Maya's functionality.

2)using fractal patterns to generate variation in
textures that mimics something in nature, such as
clouds, water or foliage.

3) Create a 3d model of tree branches using
mathematics to generate the length and distribution
of the branches to match something that closely
resembles an existing tree/plant.

Analyse what you have learned from this, how you think you could use this in the future and the direction you want to take it.

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