19 May 2011

L5 3

Define my area of practice:
The use of programming and mathematics to extend the functionality of 3D software such as Maya
needed skills:
Knowledge of programming and what can be done through maya
good model making skills in maya

The final presentation:
AOP/ Specialism:


reflection and strategies:

Experiments and innovation:

Analysis of target audience:
Appeals to the type of people who enjoy exploring new environments
Who appreciate the realism of fictional worlds
Who want to find out what the limits/boundaries are and experiment with what can be done
who enjoy sandbox games
I'm not going to break this down in to gender or age as that would be a terribly crude analysis of my target audience, although this probably doesn't appeal to many 90 year olds. Anyone with a desire to explore new environments meets and understands what a computer is meets my target audience,
the type of people that go out of their way to find places they wouldn't normally see.
Who when playing crysis 2 were more amazed that the plant pots broke up in to 4 separate pieces with a realistic explosion of dirt when you smashed them and the glass on windows and cars was breakable rather than taking much of an interest in the constant gunfire through an endless repetition of enemies.

people that play sandbox games and play online mmorpg's
people that love to travel
people that love to immerse themselves in a fictional world of film or a book

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