19 May 2011

L5 4

Here are some of the movies and documentaries that showed me the potential that can come from an understanding of maths and programming mixed with the visual aspects of animation. Before I had watched the movie pi or the documentary on fractals, I had an impression of maths in my mind as a boring subject that wasn't really relevant to the me in the real world beyond some basic addition and subtraction when handling money. The quote from the movie Pi really appealed to me as it showed me an avenue that of mathematics that I had never seen before "mathematics is the language of nature". I think we have only just begun to see the visual evidence of this in games, films and physics simulations etc. I believe there is a lot of potential in exploring this area and that is why I am interested in it.

Pi Trailer:
"Mathematics is the language of nature"

Procedurally generated city

Documentary on fractals:

Creatures developed by evolutionary algorithms

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