7 Dec 2011

Map Level

Map layout:

Initially I had an open style game, the player could walk anywhere and go off track, I had thought about this to an extent by creating dirt paths for the character to follow. After making a portion of the map and testing it I decided that this would be a problem so I made hills to counter this and prevent the player from walking where they are not supposed to. Ideally the map structure will be thought of well in advance of making anything as it is harder to rearrange once everything has been added. Now I know for next time, I would make the forest bigger with more turns for the player to walk through to better set the mood. One of the limitations was my hardware, any map much bigger than this crashed the UDK as I only have 4GB of ram and they recommend 8 in their documentation. The position of the forest would also be better placed so that it is only available to get to once the player has gone through the house.

I really like how this game carefully rations the amount of oil the player can use to light up the level, it doesn't give you so much that the darkness is not a problem , it keeps you searching for oil.

scary game, explicit language

Comparison of images from my map with and without lighting applied. Amnesia the dark descent was an influence for the lighting, the main idea being let the player use their imagination to fill in the gaps where the darkness is.

UDK particle and fog effects are very easy to use, after some tweaking of the density of the fog I achieved just the effect I was looking for, to limit visibility so the player can only see just the next light ahead of them.


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